Selling Products by Weight

Selling Products by Weight


With eHopper, you can set prices for inventory items per weight unit, such as by ounce, gallon, pound, gram, and kilogram. 



1. Go to Inventory--->Products--->New Item button--->Pricing tab in Back Office.

2. After selecting either a Fixed or Manual Price Type, select a weight unit from the Unit drop-down. 

3. Input the Sales Price you would like for each weight unit sold of the item.

4. Synchronize in POS.

5. After scanning or selecting the product for the shopping cart, you will be prompted to enter the weight (in the weight unit you selected) of the product that the customer is buying (after placing it on your scale).

  • The system will then automatically determine the price of the product, based on its weight. 
  • You can also integrate weight scales with you POS, which will allow you to scale your products quickly and efficiently, and see the weights both on the scales and in the POS app.

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