You can provide refunds on a single item or a whole order in eHopper by accessing the order on the Orders screen.
Note: Line item refunds are currently not available on Poynt devices. Refunds on Poynt can only be processed for the whole order.
- Must be assigned an Administrator, Manager, or Salesperson role.
- Order status must be either Paid or Partially Refunded.
- Only possible once an order has already been processed.
- The transaction must have been completed on the same register that you are currently operating.
- For credit card refunds, refunds can only be provided for cards that were used for the same order.
- Credit card refunds can only occur when your device is connected to the same network as your terminal.
1. Click on Orders in the left navigation menu.
2. On the Orders page, select the order that you would like to refund.
3. On the Order Details screen, you can select to refund the entire order by selecting the box to the left of the Description column header.
- You can also refund individual item(s) from the order by selecting the box to the left of the item
4. The Refund button will appear for you to click on.
5. The Refund screen will depend on the type of payment you are providing a refund for.
For all:
- The Amount due to the customer will be shown in red, as will the DONE button, which you will click on once the refund is processed.
- You can choose to either Email receipt or Print receipt by tapping the switch to the right of the option (if selected, will appear as blue).
On the Credit Card Refund Screen:
- There is a field for the customer to sign their signature.
- Refunds can only be provided for credit cards that were used for the same order.
On the Split Refund Screen:
- All payments from the split payment will appear, with the same $ amounts that the orders were paid by default.
- You can edit the refund amounts for each payment by inputting the cursor where the $ amount is and entering the desired amount. However, the total amount should be = to the total paid in the original order.
- Select the Refund button next to each payment row to refund each individual payment in the same way the order was paid. You will be taken to the Refund screen for that particular payment type.
- After each refund is processed, you will return to the Split Refund screen, where you can select to refund another payment.
- You will have the option to Void each refunded payment.
- After all refunds have been provided, select the DONE button on the Split Refund screen.
- You will then be taken to the refund Receipt screen,
- On the Refund Receipt screen, you can once again choose the Receipt language by selecting it from the drop-down and choose to either Email receipt or Print receipt for the entire split refund.
Providing a Manual Refund
Please select the following link for instructions on providing a manual refund: https://portal.ehopper.com/portal/en/kb/articles/manual-refund
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