Payment Types
Partial Approval / Partial Authorization
Overview A transaction gets partially approved if a cardholder does not have enough balance on their debit, prepaid or gift card, thus only part of the full purchase amount is paid and there is a balance due which can be paid with a different card or ...
Instructions for Poynt semi-integration with eHopper POS
Overview While using Poynt as terminal the processing of payments is different comparing to other devices. You will need to set up Semipoynt as payment gateway in Back Office. is different comparing to other devices. You will need to set up Semipoynt ...
Card Payments in Canada
Overview Canada Freedom customers can process card payments on eHopper once their credit card terminal is set up (either Poynt, DejaVoo). Requirements Must be a Freedom Package customer and have installed the Credit/Debit POS Integration app in the ...
Contactless Payments: Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay
Apple Pay Once the payment is ready to be processed on the terminal, have the customer hold their iPhone up to the terminal (within one inch). They should then tap their Touch ID button with the finger they have associated with their ID to complete ...
Manual Payment Through Terminal Mode
Overview You can manually process cash or credit card payments in Terminal Mode without selecting items for the shopping cart. Please note this feature is unavailable for ChargeAnywhere users. Requirements 1. Terminal must be set up. 2. Shopping cart ...
Processing Pre-Authorization Payments
Requirements For instructions on setting up pre-authorization in the POS, please see Instructions 1. Add the item(s) the customer is purchasing to the shopping cart. 2. ...
Debit Card Payments
Overview US and Canada customers utilizing a paid software package (staring with Essential Plus) can process credit card payments on eHopper once their credit card terminal is set up (Pax, Poynt, DejaVoo, ChargeAnywhere). Requirements 1. Must be an ...
Split Payments
Overview You can process split payments on eHopper, using whatever payment type you have set up on the POS (Ex: Cash, Credit Card, External Payment, EBT). Requirements Can only be performed by Administrator, Manager, and Salesperson employee roles. ...
EBT Card Payments
Overview US customers utilizing a paid software package (starting with Essential Plus) with Pax terminals can use EBT Cards as a payment option in POS. Please contact your credit card processor to see if they accept EBT cards as well. Prerequisites ...
External Payments
Overview You can use external processors in eHopper as a non-integrated solution, with all order data being saved in our system, while being processed on your own terminal. Requirements In Back Office, go to Settings > Store Settings > Payment ...
Credit Card Payments
Overview US and Canada customers utilizing a paid software package (staring with Essential Plus) can process credit card payments on eHopper once their credit card terminal is set up (Pax, Poynt, DejaVoo, ChargeAnywhere). Requirements Must be an ...
Cash Payments
Overview You can process cash payments in eHopper, whether online or offline. Requirements Processing payments may only be performed by Administrator, Manager and Salesperson roles. Instructions 1. After selecting one or more product(s) in the ...
Partial Payments
Overview Your customers can partially pay for a transaction at one time and pay for the rest at a later time, from the Split Payments screen. Requirements Can only be performed by Administrator, Manager, and Salesperson employee roles. ...
Split Payment by Guest
Overview Note: This feature is only available with the Restaurant or OmniChannel plan. If every guest at a table would like to pay for their own items, as opposed to splitting the whole order payment, you can utilize the split payment by guest ...
Split Payment by Item
Overview If your table guests would like to pay for specific item(s) in one transaction, as opposed to paying for all in one transaction, you can utilize the split payment by item feature. Instructions 1. After items have been assigned to each guest ...
Early Guest Checkout
Overview Note: This feature is only available with the Restaurant or OmniChannel plan. If a guest at a table would like to leave early, you are able to process their payment and print out their receipt, before the other table guests. Instructions 1. ...