Credit/Debit Card Terminals
Troubleshooting for Terminal is Not Set Up Error
If after selecting a card payment as your transaction type, an error appears saying "Terminal is Not Set Up," please follow the below troubleshooting steps. 1. Make sure all steps have been completed ...
Troubleshooting for Unable to Connect to Terminal Error When Adding Serial Number for PAX in POS
f after attempting to add your Pax device's serial number on the Terminal Setup screen in POS, you receive an error that says "Unable to connect to terminal," please follow the below steps. Power down your router and then power it back on, terminal, ...
Charge Anywhere Terminal Onboarding Instructions
Overview eHopper works with Q1 Rugged Wireless POS and Q2 PIN on Glass POS devices. Both of them are wireless, with a built-in battery. To use Charge Anywhere terminal on eHopper with a Windows device, you will have to set up Charge Anywhere as the ...
Firmware Update: Restart machine > Press and hold menu button as soon as machine powers up (for SP30 hold the F button at boot up then hit the red X when it stops booting) > remote download > new download > TCP > > green button ...
DejaVoo Terminal Setup on eHopper POS
Overview US and Canadian merchants can set up and use Z1 or Z11 Dejavoo terminals to process integrated credit and debit card payments via eHopper. DejaVoo terminals support both, English and French languages. Z1 DejaVoo Terminals Connects via ...
Poynt Terminal Setup on eHopper POS
Instructions 1. In Back Office, go to Settings--->Store Settings in the left navigation menu. 2. In the Payment Gateway drop-down menu, select Poynt. Note: Your Poynt terminal will still be set up if Pax is selected from this field. 3. Click ...
Supported Credit Card Processors
1. Supported Pax S300 Processors (US only) TSYS First Data Elavon Vantiv EPX 2. Supported Poynt Processors TSYS First Data - Carleton 500 First Data - Nashville Vantiv - Fifth Third Bank Elavon
Pax Terminal Setup on eHopper POS
Overview eHopper works with PAX S300 and PAX A35 devices. Requirements Must have at least Essential Plus package to use PAX Terminal or any other card reader as a payment gateway with eHopper POS. Pax Terminal Setup in Back Office 1. In Back Office, ...
Batching Out Issues
If your terminal is not batching out, please follow the below troubleshooting steps: 1) Reboot your router, terminal, and POS device. 2) Log in to POS, open the left menu and select Settings--->Terminal Setup 3) Save the serial number of the PAX ...
PAX Troubleshooting for Route to Host Error and Terminal ID Error
After attempting to process a credit card transaction in the POS, you may come across a "Route to Host error" on the POS screen and a Terminal ID error on the Pax terminal. To resolve, please follow the below troubleshooting steps. 1) Reboot your ...
How to Resolve Dejavoo Terminal Issue After Firmware Update
In case your Dejavoo Z11 terminal lost connection with your POS after the latest terminal firmware update, please follow the steps below in order to reconfigure your credit/debit card terminal. as your Dejavoo RegID and AuthKey may have been changed. ...