In Vendor Settings, you can add a vendor or view/edit the list of vendors for your products.
1. In the left navigation menu, go to Vendors--->Vendor List--->New Vendor button
2. In the General tab, input the Vendor Name in that field
3. Select the type of vendor in the Vendor Type drop-down menu. The options are ‘Manufacturer,’ ‘Master Dealer,’ ‘Shipper,’ and ‘Vendor.’
4. Optionally input the vendor’s Tax ID and any Notes you would like to add regarding the vendor in those respective fields.
5. Make sure the Is Active box is checked off. It should be by default. Uncheck it to make the vendor inactive.
6. Optionally input the vendor’s contact info by clicking on the Contact Info tab on the top of the page and entering their info in the various fields.
7. Click the blue Done button.
1. In the left navigation menu, go to Vendors--->Vendor List
2. Search for vendor in search box or by sorting by Vendor Name or Type in the list (do this by clicking on the triangle to the right of the column)
3. Select vendor to view or edit details--->click Done button after make edits