Taking Orders with Table Management

Taking Orders with Table Management

Video Tutorial




  1. Follow the steps from https://desk.zoho.com/portal/ehopper/en/kb/articles/table-management-setup-in-back-office to set up Table Management in the Back Office. 
  2. Follow the steps from  https://desk.zoho.com/portal/ehopper/en/kb/articles/table-management-setup-in-pos to create your floor plan in POS (set up tables and service sections).


Starting a Table Order

1. If the Tables option was selected in Register Settings, the default screen will be the table layout screen. If POS Register was selected, either open up the left menu and select the Tables option or select the Tables button on the bottom of the screen. 



2. You will be taken to the Tables screen. Here, you can view all your tables in each service section and select the table you would like your new guests to be seated at. 

  • You will be able to view the table name, number of seating places, and the server currently assigned to each table. In addition, the tables are color coded depending on their current status:

A) No frame - The table is empty and available for guests

B) Light red frame  - The table is occupied,  but its customers have not ordered yet.

C) Red frame- The table is occupied, its customers have already ordered, but not all items were sent to the kitchen.

D) Yellow frame - The table is occupied, its customers have already ordered, and all items were sent to kitchen.

E) Grey Frame -The table is currently being served by another server. This color is visible only for employees who have role permission "Server/Salesperson" and not Managers, who only see the colors above. These tables can only be accessed by servers who created or were assigned to the table's order.


3. Select the available table (with no frame) that you would like to seat the guests at. 

Note: The server who selects a table will be the server assigned to that table (and their name will appear on the table on the Tables screen, under the table name). 

4. Specify the number of guests who will be ordering from this table. The default is 4. To increase or decrease the number of guests, select either the + or - sign.  


5. The number of guests selected will appear in the shopping cart. When you select items, by default, they will be added to the Whole table, as opposed to an individual guest at the table. 


6. To assign an item(s) to a specific guest, first select the guest and then select the item(s) you would like to assign to that guest. (Select the Whole Table to once again assign items to the Whole table). 



Actions for the Whole Table or a Specific Guest

Actions for the Whole Table

To open up the Whole table options, select the 3 dots on the right side of Whole table in the shopping cart.


A) Move Items

1. On the Select Actions for the Table screen, select Move Items.

2. Select the checkbox that appears to the left of each item currently assigned to the Whole table, that you would like to move to a specific guest at the table. 

3. On the right of the screen, select the Guest at the table that you would like to move the selected item(s) to. 

  • The item(s) will then be moved/assigned to the specified Guest, in the shopping cart. 


B) Move Order

1. After selecting the Move Order option on the Select Actions for the Table screen, choose to move the order either to another table by selecting A Table or to your non-table orders by selecting Non-Table Section


2. If A Table was selected, choose the table you would like to move the order to (only a table that is not currently occupied - with no frame)


  • If Non table Section was selected, choose the non-table order you would like to move the order to. 

3. The order will be moved to the specified table. 


C) Send to Kitchen

1. On the Select Actions for the Table screen, select Send to Kitchen.

2. Select the checkbox that appears to the left of each item that you would like to send to the kitchen and then select the Done button to confirm. 


  • The selected items will print on the kitchen receipt from the kitchen printer. It will include the Service Section and Table Name that the order is occurring from, as well as the server's name, so the correct server will know where to deliver the food. 


  • The items that were sent to the kitchen will display the following icon to the left of the item name:


D) Change Number of Guests

1. On the Select Actions for the Table screen, select Change Number of Guests.

2. Select the - button to reduce the current number of guests and the + button to add an additional guest to the table. Then select Done

  • The number of guests at the table will be adjusted depending on the number selected in the step above.


E) Change Server

1. On the Select Actions for the Table screen, select Change Server.

2. From the Select a server: drop-down, select the server you would like to assign the table to instead of the current server. 

  •  The new server will then be assigned to the table instead (and their name will appear on the table in the Tables screen. 


F) Print Bill

1) When you are ready to print the receipt for the whole table, select the Print Bill button on the Select Actions for the Table screen.

  • The receipt will print from the receipt printer, and will include the Service Section and Table Name that the order is occurring from, as well as the server's name. 



Actions For a Guest

To open up the options for a specific guest, select the 3 dots on the right side of the Guest in the shopping cart whom you would like to perform an action for.


A) Move Items

1. On the Select Actions for Guest screen, select Move Items.

2. Select the checkbox that appears to the left of each item currently assigned to that guest, that you would like to move to a different guest at the table or to the Whole table. 

3. On the right of the screen, select the Guest (or Whole table) that you would like to move the selected item(s) to. 

  • The item(s) will then be moved/assigned to the specified Guest (or to the Whole table), in the shopping cart. 


B) Move Guest

1. After selecting the Move Guest option on the Select Actions for the Guest screen, choose to move the guest either to another table by selecting A Table or to your non-table orders by selecting Non-Table Section.  


2. If A Table was selected, choose the table you would like to move the guest to (only a table that is not currently occupied - with no frame)

  • If Non table Section was selected, choose the non-table order you would like to move the guest to. 

3. The guest will be moved to the specified table. 


C) Print Bill

  • Select the Print Bill button to print the selected guest's individual receipt.


D) Pay


Managing Non-Table Orders

1. If the Tables option was selected in Register Settings, the default screen will be the table layout screen. If POS Register was selected, either open up the left menu and select the Tables option or select the Tables button on the bottom of the screen. 



2. From the Tables screen, select the Non-table Orders service section (it will be there by default) on the top of the screen. 

3. From there, you will be able to view all your non-table orders (Pickup, Delivery, Drive Thru, Quick Sale). Each will be represented by a rectangle with the Order Type, Order ID, order cost, and order creation date. 

4. From this screen, you can also sort your non-table orders from the Order by drop-down field. Select to either sort them by Order #Order NameOrder Type, or Creation Time.


5. To start a new non-table order, select the + New Order button on the top right of the screen. The order will then be opened/created in the shopping cart.


Table Management Reporting

1. Orders Screen in POS

From the Orders screen in POS, you can see which table orders are open (have not yet paid) and which have been paid for/completed. You can also view the specific table and service section assigned to each order, as well as the assigned server.


2. Orders Report in Back Office

From the Orders report in Back Office, you can filter your table orders by those taking place in a particular service section through the Service Section drop-down filter, as well as view the specific table and service section assigned to each table order.

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