After attempting to process a credit card transaction in the POS, you may come across a "Route to Host error" on the POS screen and a Terminal ID error on the Pax terminal. To resolve, please follow the below troubleshooting steps.
1) Reboot your router, terminal, and POS device.
2) Once all 3 are fully turned on, log back in to POS, open the left menu and select Settings--->Terminal Setup
3) Save the serial number of the PAX device that shows on the screen.
4) Select the X on the right of the terminal's information to remove it and then select the Done button.
5) After the PAX device fully reboots, return to the Terminal Setup screen in POS.
6) Select the Add Terminal button and then re-enter the PAX's serial number in the Enter Serial Number field.
7) Select Submit, followed by Done
8) If the error still occurs, it is most likely caused by a banking error. Contact your merchant service provider to re-board the terminal. This should resolve the issue.