Manual Payment Through Terminal Mode

Manual Payment Through Terminal Mode


You can manually process cash or credit card payments in Terminal Mode without selecting items for the shopping cart. 

Please note this feature is unavailable for ChargeAnywhere users.



1. Terminal must be set up. 

2. Shopping cart must be empty.

3. Only cash and credit card payments are available. 

4. Credit card payments are only available online. 

5. Taxes and tips cannot be applied. 

6. Cannot print kitchen receipts. 



1. Click on the Terminal button on the bottom left of the screen.

2. On the Terminal screen, select either Cash or Credit Card as the payment method. The selected button will appear blue.  

3. For cash payments, input the Amount Due and Amount Tendered in their respective fields, using the calculator on the screen or your keyboard.

  • For credit card payments, click the switch if you would like to Enter card manually. The switch will turn blue when on and fields for Card Number and Expiration date will appear for entry. Otherwise, you can just swipe the card on the terminal. 

  • Input the Amount Due in the field, using the calculator on the screen or your keyboard.
  • Select whether you would like the customer to sign On screenOn receipt, or On terminal.

4. Click on the PROCESS button.

5. On the Receipt screen, choose whether you would like to Print receipt or Email receipt by checking off the respective box.

  • If the Print Receipt option was turned off for a transaction, it will be turned off by default for future transactions until it is turned on again for another transaction. 
  • If you selected Email receipt, you will have the option to create the customer in the system, saving his email address, name, and order information. To do this, select the Add new customer? switch so it turns green and then you will have the ability to enter his First Name and Last Name.

Note: this option will not be available if a customer was already selected for the order. 

6. Click DONE button.

  • Payments processed in Terminal Mode are listed on the Orders page and calculated in reports.
  • Payments processed in Terminal Mode can be voided and refunded.

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