Loyalty Reporting in Back Office
Loyalty Report
- To access, select Reporting--->Loyalty Report in the left navigation menu.
- In the Loyalty Report, each date that at least one loyalty action occurred appears in a separate row.
- You can customize which columns you would like displayed in the report by selecting the Set Columns drop-down field and then selecting the checkbox next to each column you would like to include.
- The columns in the Loyalty Report include:
- Each row under the Date column displays the date that at least one loyalty action took place.
- The New Visits column displays the number of new loyalty customers who ordered on each date.
- The Repeat Visits column displays the number of repeat loyalty customers who purchased on each date.
- The Amount Redeemed column displays the total monetary amount of rewards that were redeemed by loyalty customers on each date.
- The total amount of New Visits, Repeat Visits, and Amount Redeemed from all dates on the screen combined appears on the bottom of the report.
- You can filter loyalty data in the report by one or more stores from the Store filter and then selecting the Search button (or the Enter key on your keyboard).
- You can filter loyalty data by a specific date range by selecting one of the options in the date range drop-down menu. The default will say Today.
- Only up to 3 months can be filtered at a time. To filter by a customized date range within a 3 month period, select the Custom Range option and then the dates you would like to filter for in the calendars that appear. If you would like to view data for more than 3 months, export the report after choosing a custom range and then select a new custom range, export it, and combine the data from the exported reports.
- Each column can be sorted by selecting their respective column headers.
- Export the Loyalty Report to a .csv file by selecting the Export button and then on the download to open the report.
Customer List Loyalty Reporting
- To access, select Customers--->Customer List in the left navigation menu.
- There, you will be able to view each customer's Customer Code, if they are an existing Loyalty customer, their Loyalty Opt-in Date, Current Points, and Last Visit.
Customer Details Loyalty Reporting
1. To access, select Customers--->Customer List in the left navigation menu and then select the row of the customer whose details you would like to view.
2. Select the Loyalty tab on the top of the screen (will only appear for active loyalty customers).
- There, you will be able to view the selected customer's Loyalty Opt-in Date, total number of Visits, their Last Visit, Current Points, and Total Amount Spent.
- You can quickly change the current balance of a customer's loyalty points by entering a new balance for them in the Current Points field and then clicking Done.

Order Details Customer Reporting
- To access, select Orders in the left navigation menu and then select the row of the order that you would like to view loyalty details on.

Loyalty Reporting in POS
For info on loyalty reporting in POS, please see https://desk.zoho.com/portal/ehopper/en/kb/articles/loyalty-point-and-reward-redemption-in-pos
Please note that Loyalty Report data older than one year is archived and will not be available for viewing and exporting. Please export and store your reports in timely manner.
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