Loyalty Program Setup

Loyalty Program Setup


  • With our Loyalty program you will be able to better retain your customer base and increase repeat business. 
  • You can set customized loyalty rules to have customers earn a certain amount of points, either per visit or a specified amount spent, and redeem reward discounts once they reach that number of points.
  • You will also be able to generate customer codes, which can then be printed onto physical loyalty cards and scanned, for easy and fast customer service.
  • As an alternative to physical Loyalty cards, you can save a customer's mobile phone number, for quick customer service and tracking.
  • There is also extensive loyalty reporting on your company's daily loyalty actions, and each customer's loyalty point and reward status/history.

Note: Pricing is based on the total number of qualifying loyalty visits across all active locations per month. If this number surpasses 1,000 for a month (1000- 2,000 qualified visits), the price for that month will increase by $5. It will increase by an additional $5 each time another 1,000 qualified visits are reached (1001-2,000, 2,001-3,000, etc). 



1. In Back Office, navigate to Apps--->App Directory in the left navigation menu.

2. Select and install the Loyalty app.


3. A payment screen will appear. If on the Freedom package, simply select the Buy button to purchase.

  • If using the Essential Package, enter your payment information and then select Complete to complete the purchase. This app is free of charge for all OmniChannel users.



1. Select Apps--->Loyalty in the left navigation menu.


Rule Tab

2. In the Rule tab, select from the Earn By: drop-down menu whether you would like customers to earn points per Visit or per Amount Spent

3. In the Minimum Purchase field, input the minimum amount a customer is required to spend in order to earn points, either per visit or the amount spent. 

Note: Order taxes and tips are not included in this minimum purchase amount. 

4. In the Points Earned field, input the number of points a customer will earn when they meet the specified rules that were set above. 

5. In the Redemption Rule section, enter the number of points you would like customers to earn in order to redeem each reward in the first Redemption Value field and the amount of money you would like them to receive a discount for when they reach the specified number of earned points in the second field (next to the currency sign).

6. In the Maximum Discount per Order field, you may optionally enter the maximum monetary discount amount you would like customers to receive when redeeming rewards for a single transaction. 

7. To deactivate the loyalty rule, uncheck the Is Active checkbox. 

8. Select the Done button to save or navigate to the Settings tab. 



Settings Tab

9. From the Select Store(s) drop-down menu, select the store(s) you would like the Loyalty Rule to be applied to. All your stores will be selected by default.

10. Ensure that the Inform when a customer reaches reward redemption checkbox is selected in order to be notified when checking out a customer, if they have earned enough points to redeem a reward. If you would not like to be notified, uncheck the box. 

11. Check the Display points on the receipt box to have customers' point info/status appear on their receipts. To disable this, uncheck the box. 

12. Check the Allow reward discounts on non-discountable items box to allow the loyalty reward discount to be applied to items that were set as Non-Discountable. If you would not like the reward discount to be applied to items that were marked as Non-Discountable, uncheck the box.

  • If the box is deselected, the warning message: "Your reward discount can only be applied to discountable products." will appear on customers' receipts, on orders where they redeem their reward discount. 

13. Select the Done button to save or select the Customer Code Generator tab.


Customer Code Generator Tab


Signing a Customer Up for Loyalty


Loyalty Point and Reward Redemption in POS


Loyalty Reporting in Back Office

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