Logging In and Logging Out of POS
- To log into eHopper POS on your device, install the eHopper POS app. Then, input your Account ID, License key, and PIN number, which was provided to you in your welcome email.
- You can log out of POS from the left navigation menu.
- A register must be activated on your device (done by inputting the license key provided in your Welcome to eHopper email).
- If the register is already in use, must deactivate it in Back Office by going to Settings--->Register Settings--->select register--->click Deactivate button
- If you were using another eHopper account on the device, you will need to clear your cache and cookies in order to log in to the current account. Otherwise, you will receive an error message.
Logging In
1. Open the eHopper POS app after installing it.
2. On the login screen, input your Account ID and License Key, which was provided in your Welcome to eHopper email.
3. Enter your 6-digit PIN # (which was also provided in your Welcome email).

Unblocking Register after Incorrect Login Attempts
1. Your register will get blocked after entering an incorrect PIN 5 times. To unblock it, you can either do so in Back Office Register Settings or via email. To unblock via email, select the Unblock register button that appears in the error message on the bottom of the screen.

2. You will be taken to the Unblock register screen. Enter your email into the Enter email field and then select the Unblock button.

3. You will be sent an email with instructions of how to unblock your register.
Logging Out
- To log out of POS, open the left navigation menu and tap Logout.
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