eHopper Cash Drawer Setup on All-in-One Device

eHopper Cash Drawer Setup on All-in-One Device


Before you can use the eHopper Cash Drawer on the All-in-One device, you will have to connect it to the device (or external printer) and set it up on eHopper. 


Connecting eHopper Cash Drawer 

1. Connect the cash drawer to the All-in-One device (or to Star or BTP printer if using one of those) via an RJ12 connector by inputting it into the cash drawer port on the back of the device. 

2. Turn on the device and the cash drawer should be ready to operate.


Setting Up eHopper Cash Drawer on POS

1. Log in to eHopper POS

2. In the left navigation menu, tap on Settings--->Cash Drawer

3. Tap Search for cash drawer.

4. In the list that appears, select the printer that the cash drawer is connected to.

5. Tap the Test link to the right of the selected printer. If the drawer opens, it is properly set up. 

6. Confirm cash drawer settings by tapping DONE.

7. The cash drawer will open upon each transaction in POS. 

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