Overview of New Features:
1. Enable Self-Service Kiosk
2. Pre-Authorization
3. Choose Dark POS Screen
4. Print Timestamps on Kitchen Receipts
5. Save and Auto-Generate Product SKU's
6. Partial Refunds on Poynt Device
7. Employee Filter Added to Orders screen
8. Delete Employees
9. Customize Keyboard Shortcuts for Cash Payments
10. Choose Number of Rows on Each Page
11. Assign Kitchen Printer to All Products in Category at Once
12. View Open/Close Register Notes
13. Inventory Adjustments Synced into QuickBooks
1. Enable Self-Service Kiosk
You are able to customize the settings for your self-serve register, such as choosing which payment methods to allow, whether to enable tips, and if the loyalty program should be included.
- You can display a custom image while the screen is idle that will initiate the customer order process.
- You can set up the message that customers will see after cash transactions and credit transactions.
- If your receipt printer is set up, receipts will print every time a customer checks out.
2. Pre-Authorization
- You can now pre-authorize card payments for your customers, so that they can continue adding to their orders afterwards without needing to re-swipe their card. The amount due will automatically be charged from the authorized card.
- You can set the minimum pre-auth amount that merchants should be able to pay on their card in order for the pre-authorization to occur.
- You can either charge pre-auth orders on the Order Details screen or straight from shopping cart. Pre-auth orders can also be canceled.
- Pre-auth orders will be saved as a new order, with the status "Pre-Authorized" and can be filtered on the Orders screen.
- If the Total Due is more than the set minimum pre-auth amount, and the payment is declined, customers will have the option of splitting the payment between the approved pre-auth amount and other forms of payment (cash, credit, etc).
3. Enable Dark POS Screen
- You can now choose between a light and dark POS screen.
- The darker option is helpful in dark locations in order to prevent glare.
4. Print Timestamps on Kitchen Receipts
- You now have the option of printing the date and time that an order was placed on kitchen receipts so you can know how much time has past and better prioritize your orders.
5. Save and Auto-Generate Product SKU's
- You can now enter, track, and search for products by product SKU's.
- Will be able to add Product SKU's to barcode labels
- You have the option of instantly auto-generating Product SKUs for every item in your company.
- Product SKU's will be synced to both QuickBooks and eCommerce.
6. Partial Refunds on Poynt Device
- You can now process partial refunds on the Poynt device.
7. Employee Filter Added to Orders Screen
- An Employee filter has been added to the Orders screen so you can view all orders done by specific salespeople.
8. Delete Employees
- You now have the ability to delete employees from the Employee list (info on deleted employees will still appear in reports).
9. Customize Keyboard Shortcuts for Cash Payments
- Speed up sales by customizing which payment amounts you would like to be displayed for quick access in cash transactions.
10. Choose Number of Rows on Each Page
- On the following screens in Back Office, you will now be able to select how many rows you would like to be displayed on each page (with the options being 10, 20, 30, or 50):
All reports
PO Receiving
Store Transfer
Inventory Adjustment
Barcode Labels
11. Assign Kitchen Printer to All Products in Category at Once
- You can now quickly assign all items from a single category to print to specific kitchen printers.
12. View Open/Close Register Notes
- Notes entered on the Open or Close Register screens in POS will now appear in the Z Report Details Report in BO.
13. Inventory Adjustments Synced into QuickBooks
- Updated quantities after Inventory Adjustments are performed will now be synced into QuickBooks.