1. Click on Inventory-->Products in the left navigation menu.
2. Select the blue New Item button on the top right of the screen.
3. Select the blue Create button under Matrix Item.
3. Select both the department and category you would like to associate the product with in the Select Department and Select Category drop-down menus respectively (both had to have already been created).
4. Optionally input the product’s UPC in the UPC field. It should be either 8, 12, or 13 digits.
5. Check off the Is Active box to make the product go live on POS.
6. Optionally provide an image to represent the product in the product catalog in POS by clicking the Browse image square and selecting the image in your computer files.
The Vendors tab allows you to assign a vendor to a product and input the specific vendor information as applies to that product.
Requirements: You must have already created the vendor you want to assign the product to.
If Vendor for Product Not Yet Created:
1. Go to Vendors--->Vendors List---> Click on the New Vendor button.
2. In the General tab, input the Vendor Name in that field.
3. Select the type of vendor in the ‘Vendor Type drop-down menu. The options are ‘Manufacturer,’ ‘Master Dealer,’ ‘Shipper,’ and ‘Vendor.’
4. Optionally input the vendor’s Tax ID and any Notes you would like to add regarding the vendor in those respective fields.
5. Check off the Is Active box to make the vendor active. It will already be checked off by default. Uncheck it to make the vendor inactive.
6. Optionally input the vendor’s contact info by clicking on the Contact Info tab on the top of the page and entering their info in the various fields.
7. Click the blue Done button.
Once Product Vendor is Created:
1. Go to Inventory--->Products--->Vendors tab
2. Select a preexisting vendor for the product in the Search vendors drop-down menu.
3. In the row that appears, input the product’s SKU in the SKU column (optional) and the amount the item costs for you to acquire in the Cost column.
4. Click the blue Done button.
Requirement: You must have already created the tax you want to add to the product in Tax Manager.
Adding Tax to Product
1. Select the store you want to add a tax on the product for in the Store drop-down menu.
2. Select the tax name in the Name drop-down menu. The tax rate you set for that tax in Tax Manager will automatically appear in the Rate field.
3. If you want to add a tax on the product for another store, repeat the same steps above.
4. Click Done button.
1. Use the Stores drop-down menu to select the store
2. Select the + button.
3. Input the Attribute Name and its Attribute Values in the respective fields.
5. Click the + button again to add another Attribute Name and Attribute Values.
5. If you would like to set the same Price and Cost for the various combinations of matrix items in each store, select the All Stores option in the Stores drop-down menu and then input what you would like for each item in those respective fields.
6. When you have finished creating the matrix items, select Done.
If PO Receiving App Is Installed:
Item quantities can be either imported, or added with the PO Receiving app. To change quantities: