Creating a Product

Creating a Product


This section shows how to create, edit, delete, and view information on Departments, Categories, and Products that appear in your product catalog in POS. This includes assigning a sales price to items, creating modifiers, assigning vendors to products, and managing the inventory of stock.





1. Click on Inventory-->Products in the left navigation menu.

2. Select the blue New Item button on the top right of the screen. 

  • If the Inventory Matrix app is installed, select the blue Create button under Inventory Item if you would like to create a non-matrix item and the Create button below Matrix Item if you would like to create a matrix item. For instructions on creating a matrix product, please click this link: Creating Inventory Matrix.


3. If not creating a matrix product, you will be moved to the New Inventory Item screen, consisting of the following tabs, placed on the top of the screen. You can navigate between the different tabs by clicking on them. 

Note: Only the General and Pricing tabs are mandatory to fill out when creating a product. 


General Tab

1. Select whether the item you are creating is an InventoryNon-inventory, Serialized item, or With ingredients by clicking the circle to the left of the option.


See below for a brief description of each type of product:


2. Input the Product Name (up to 100 characters) and optionally provide a Product Short Name and Product Description in those respective fields. You can also choose a color to represent the product in your shopping cart in POS by selecting a color in the Product Display Color drop-down menu.

  • You can input translations for Product Name and Product Description for all the languages selected as an Account language for your store(s) (set in Localization tab of Store Settings) by selecting a certain language tab and inputting the translations for that language in the respective fields. 


3. Select both the department and category you would like to associate the product with in the Department and Category drop-down menus respectively.

4. Optionally input the product’s UPC in the UPC field. It can contain either numbers or letters (no symbols). The UPC is a universal code that identifies the product and needs to be purchased in order to be used. 

5. Optionally input the product's SKU in the SKU field. As opposed to a UPC, a product SKU is in an internal code used to identify the product. It can be made up of numbers, letters, or dashes and must be unique for each product. Max length is 25 symbols.

Note: If you would like to auto-generate SKU's for all of your products, activate the Autogenerate Product SKU checkbox in the General tab of Company Settings


6. Select the Print on kitchen receipt box if you would like the product to automatically print a receipt to the kitchen printer when ordered.

  • This option is enabled by default for all newly created items.
  • This option can also be turned off manually in POS for the item each time it is ordered.
  • If you did not select this option, skip to step 7. 
  • If Print on kitchen receipt was selected, a Kitchen Printers drop-down will appear, from which you may select from one or more of the kitchen printer(s) you named in the Store Settings Receipt tab that you would like the item to be printed to. The option "Select All" will be selected by default. 


  • If the Kitchen Receipt box was checked and no kitchen printer names were created in an active store's Store Settings Receipt tab, the Kitchen Printers drop-down will display "Add names in {Store name}" for each of those stores. After selecting it, you will be redirected to the corresponding store's Store Settings Receipt tab where you can name the printers. 
  • Each created printer name will be listed with the store it was assigned to for selection (each product can be assigned to the same kitchen printer in each store or to different kitchen printers in each). 

7. Check off the Is Active box to make the product go live on POS.

 8. Optionally provide an image to represent the product in the product catalog in POS by clicking the Browse images square and selecting the image in your computer files. The ideal image resolution is 280 x 250 px.

  • After adding the image, you can crop it by selecting the edit icon that appears on the image. 

  • After you are done cropping the image, select the Confirm button on the bottom of the screen.



Pricing Tab

1. Select what store(s) you would like to assign the product to in the Stores drop-down menu. From the Select Stores drop-down, you can choose which store(s) to sell the product in. The default is that all stores are selected. 


2. Select whether you would like the product to be at a Fixed price that could not be modified or one that you could manually enter and change for each order in POS (Manual price) in the Price Type drop-down. 

3. Select the unit of measurement you will be selling the product by in the Unit drop-down menu. Item will be selected by default. 

4. If you selected Fixed as the Price Type, input the price of the item per unit of measurement in the Sales Price field.

5. By default, the All Discountable field be checked off, meaning there will be an option to provide a discount to the product. If you do not want the option to provide a discount for the product, uncheck the field by clicking on it. 

6. If you would like to set individual prices for the product in specific stores, select a store you would like to assign a specific price to in the drop-down menu under the Store column. These prices would override the one’s set above at the company level. 

7. If you would like to add a modifier(s) to the product, scroll up and click on the Modifiers tab at the top of the screen. Otherwise, click the Done button or on a different tab.

  • If you are done creating the product, be sure to sync your data the next time you log in to POS to ensure the product goes live.


Modifiers Tab

To Add a Modifier to Product:

1. From the Select all or one store drop-down, select either one or all stores where you would like to add a Modifier Group to the product.

2. Select the Copy Existing button to copy an existing Modifier Group (created in the Modifiers section) to the product. 

3. The Current Modifiers section displays all existing Modifier Group Names, along with the Modifier names that make up the group and each modifier Price. They are all available for editing.

  • You can create a new modifier group for only this product by selecting Add modifier group and entering its attributes.
  • By default, attributes for all Modifier Groups will be displayed for the product. Select Hide Modifiers to hide them from view and Show Modifiers to make them visible. 

4. Select the Done button or select a different tab.


Vendors Tab

The Vendors tab allows you to assign a vendor to a product and input the specific vendor information as applies to that product.  

Requirements: You must have already created the vendor you want to assign the product to.


If Vendor for Product Not Yet Created:

1. Go to Inventory--->Products--->Vendors tab---> Click on New Vendor button.

2. In the General tab, input the Vendor Name in that field.

3. Select the type of vendor in the ‘Vendor Type drop-down menu. The options are ‘Manufacturer,’ ‘Master Dealer,’ ‘Shipper,’ and ‘Vendor.’

4. Optionally input the vendor’s Tax ID and any Notes you would like to add regarding the vendor in those respective fields.

5. Check off the Is Active box to make the vendor active. It will already be checked off by default. Uncheck it to make the vendor inactive.

6. Optionally input the vendor’s contact info by clicking on the Contact Info tab on the top of the page and entering their info in the various fields.

7. Click the blue Done button.


Once Product Vendor is Created:

1. Go to Inventory--->Products--->Vendors tab

2. Select a preexisting vendor for the product in the Search vendors drop-down menu.


3. In the row that appears, input the product’s Vendor SKU in correspondingcolumn (optional) and the amount the item costs for you to acquire in the Cost column.

  • If there are multiple vendors for the product, select the Primary vendor in that column.
  • To remove a vendor from a product, click the red 'x' button to the right of the vendor’s row.

4. Click the blue Done button.


Ordering Tab

The Ordering tab allows you to monitor the stock of the selected product at the company level and in each of your stores individually.

To Set Quantities of Product at Company Level:

  1. Select the stores you want to set the quantities for in the Stores drop-down menu.
  2. In that same row, input the Recommended Quantity and Minimum Quantity in their respective fields.
  • If you have Notifications app installed, you can set to receive a daily email notification informing about all products that have reached the Minimum Quantity number entered into the field. For more info, please select Minimum Quantity Notifications
  • The total remaining quantity of the product in all stores is displayed in the Total Quantity field.


To Set Different Quantities of Product for Individual Stores:

1. Select the stores you want to set the quantities for in the Stores drop-down menu.

2. In the section below, rows will appear for each of the stores you selected, where you input the individual Recommended Quantity and Minimum Quantity you prefer for each one.

  • The quantity remaining of the product in each store will be displayed in the Quantity field.
  • The quantities you input for specific stores would override the company quantities you set only in those selected stores.

3. Click the Done button.


Taxes Tab


You must have already created the tax you want to add to the product in Tax Manager.

Adding Tax to Product

1. Select the store you want to add a tax on the product for in the Store drop-down menu.

2. Select the tax name in the Name drop-down menu. The tax rate you set for that tax in Tax Manager will automatically appear in the Rate field.

  • If you would like the tax to be added to the product in all stores that the product is sold, make sure the All taxable box is checked.

3. If you want to add a tax on the product for another store, repeat the same steps above.

4. Click Done button.


Ingredients Tab

  • In this tab, you can assign ingredients to the product, which will then be deducted from your inventory stock, each time the product is sold, so the ingredients can be properly tracked.

Note: The Ingredients tab will only appear if the Ingredients Management app was installed from the App Directory and the with Ingredients circle was selected at the top of the General tab. 


Inventory Matrix Tab

Note: The Inventory Matrix tab will only appear if the Inventory Matrix app was installed from the App Directory and the Create button below Matrix Item was selected after selecting the New Item button on the Products list screen. 


eCommerce Tab

By default, each created product will not be sold on your online site. To enable a product to appear for sale on your site, do the following steps:

1. Go to the eCommerce tab for the product and select the Include in eCommerce checkbox. 


2. In the left menu, go to Apps --->eCommerce and select the SYNC NOW button.

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