Clock In/Clock Out

Clock In/Clock Out


  • Freedom customers can have their employees clock in and out whenever they log in and out of PoS to easily keep track of their hours.



1. Must be a Freedom Plan customer and have installed the Clock In/Clock Out app in the App Directory in Back Office (after going to Apps--->App Directory in the left navigation menu. 

 2. Must be assigned either Sales PersonSales Manager, or Administrator role in Back Office. 

Once the Clock In /Clock Out App is Installed:

  • Clock In and Clock Out buttons will appear on the POS login page.
  • Time Clock will appear in the Employees section of the Back Office left navigation menu.


Clocking In

1. Input your PIN # on the POS login page.

2. Click the Clock In button.


3. A message will appear saying the time that you successfully clocked in.


4. Input your PIN # again and then click the Sign In button.


5. You will be signed in to POS and the time you clocked in will be automatically placed in the Clock In Time field in Time Clock in Back Office (Go to Employees--->Time Clock in left navigation menu).


Clocking Out

1. Input your PIN # on the POS login page.

2. Click the Clock Out button.


3. A message will appear saying the time that you successfully clocked out.


4. The time you clocked out will be automatically placed in the Clock Out Time field in Time Clock in Back Office (Go to Employees--->Time Clock in left navigation menu).


  • User can Clock In and Clock Out multiple times in one day.

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