Cash Rounding

Cash Rounding


  • With the Cash Rounding app, Freedom customers can choose to round cash transactions (including sales, refunds, and exchanges) to the nearest 5, 10, 15, or 20 cents and create specific rounding rules, such as to always round up or down.
  • The rounding info is displayed during transactions, on receipts, and in reporting.



  • Must be a Freedom customer and have installed the Cash Rounding app in the App Directory
  • Can only be set up by Administrator employee roles


Cash Rounding Setup Instructions

1. Once the Cash Rounding app is installed, select Apps--->Cash Rounding from the left navigation menu.

2. On the Rounding App Settings page, select to round cash transactions (including sales, refunds and exchanges) to either a .05, .10, .15, or .20 cash denomination from the Round to drop-down menu.  

3. Select the Rounding rule you would like to be applied to all cash transactions (the rules will differ depending on the Round to option selected: see below) from the drop-down menu.


Rounding Rule Variations

For 0.05 cash denomination

  • Round to the nearest (e.g. 1.02 will round to 1.00, 1.03 will round to 1.05)
  • Always round up (e.g. 1.02 will round to 1.05)
  • Always round down (e.g. 1.04 will round to 1.00)

For 0.10 cash denomination

  • Round midpoint up (e.g. 1.05 will round to 1.10)
  • Round midpoint down (e.g. 1.05 will round to 1.00)
  • Always round up (e.g. 1.02 will round to 1.10)
  • Always round down (e.g. 1.08 will round to 1.00)

For 0.50 cash denomination

  • Round midpoint up (e.g. 1.25 will round to 1.50)
  • Round midpoint down (e.g. 1.25 will round to 1.00)
  • Always round up (e.g. 1.20 will round to 1.50)
  • Always round down (e.g. 1.30 will round to 1.00)

For 1.00 cash denomination

  • Round midpoint up (e.g. 1.50 will round to 2.00)
  • Round midpoint down (e.g. 1.50 will round to 1.00)
  • Always round up (e.g. 1.20 will round to 2.00)
  • Always round down (e.g. 1.80 will round to 1.00)


Cash Rounding in POS

  • For cash transactions (in sales, refunds, and exchanges), Rounding info is displayed in the Totals section, with the order Total and Amount due displaying the rounded number. 


  •  The Rounding amount appears on receipts as well.


Rounding with Split Payments

  • By default, the Split Payment screen contains two Cash tender lines, and the system will divide the Total between those 2 cash payments, each of which will contain the split rounded amount.
  • When Cash is selected as one of the tender types, the rounded Amount due is displayed.
  • On the left part of the screen, the Rounding line appears above the Total. The Rounding amount (and amount for each tender type) will be recalculated dynamically after updating the payment type or Cash amount (which will automatically adjust to the rounded value) in any of tender lines and contains the total rounding amount calculated from all cash payments selected.


Cash Rounding Reporting

When the Cash Rounding app is installed:

  • The Rounding amount applied to a cash transaction appears on the Order Details screen in both POS and Back Office.

  In the Back Office Z Report Details and POS Z and X Reports (along with their printed receipts), a line is added in the Revenue section for total Rounding amount (the sum of rounding for all transactions from that batch).

  • The Product Mix report still contains the Product price without rounding.


Rounding in QuickBooks

If both the Cash Rounding app and QuickBooks app are installed:

  • After the next QuickBooks sync, a line item with the Name: "Rounding“ and Type: "Service" will be created in QuickBooks.
  • Each time rounding occurs in a cash transaction, the Rounding item will be transmitted to QuickBooks as separate line item with either a positive or negative cost and the amount listed will differ depending on the amount rounded.

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