What are Cash Discounts?
The cash discount program provides customers with an incentive to pay with cash, debit card, or check by offering a discount off the regular sales price when they make those purchase types at the time of sale. All customers who do not pay by those payment types do not receive this discount at the time of the sale. This allows you as the business owner to offset the fees associated with accepting credit card payments.
- The regular sales price must be listed at the credit card price. However, you are able to display both the credit card price and the cash price.
- Legal in all states
- Customers must be disclosed about cash discounts at the at the point of entry (through signage) and at the point of sale (on the receipt).
- Legally, as the merchant, you should not include a ‘Service/Admin’ fee (or any naming convention) that is offset by the cash discount
Disclaimer: The above is for information purposes only. eHopper is not liable for any non-compliance with rules and regulations arising out of your use of this program.
Using Cash Discounts on eHopper POS
1. Configure Cash Discounts in Back Office
- Go to Apps--->App Directory and install the Merchant Fee and Cash Discount Programs app.
Note: The Merchant Fee and Cash Discount Programs app cannot be installed while the EBT Card app is installed.
2. Once installed, select Apps--->Merchant Fee and Cash Discount Programs from the left navigation menu.
3. In the upper right corner, select New--->New Cash Discount.
4. Enter the name of the cash discount that will be deducted for all cash and PIN debit purchases in the Cash Discount Name field, and the rate of the transaction total that will be applied as a discount, for cash and PIN debit card purchases, in the Cash Discount Rate field.
Note: As mentioned earlier, legally, you should not include a ‘Service/Admin’ fee (or any naming convention) that is offset by the cash discount.
However, if you would like to increase the selling price of all inventory items (including modifiers) by the same amount as the cash discount rate in order to offset the fees from credit card transactions, please reach out to Support at support@ehopper.com and they will quickly make this change to all your prices. Please note that, in this case, all item labels in your store must be updated to reflect these price changes.
5. Ensure that Is Active is selected and select Done.
6. Go to Settings--->Store Settings--->select the store you want to add the Cash Discount to --->select the Merchant Fee tab.
7. Select the cash discount you want to use from the Name drop-down list.
8. Select Done.
- If you have multiple stores, and would like to have a cash discount in each store, repeat steps 7-9 for each of those stores.
2. Apply Cash Discount on POS
- Log in to POS.
- Select Synchronize from the left navigation menu or top right of the page.
- Select product(s)
- At the time of the sale, if a customer pays via a payment type other than cash or debit card (credit, external payment, etc), no Cash Discount will be provided off the regular sales price (listed credit card price)

- At the time of the sale, if a customer pays by cash or debit card, a Cash Discount will be provided off the regular sales price and the discount will be displayed.

5. Once processed, select to either print or email the receipt. This receipt will display the cash discount if it was provided.

Creating Barcode Labels that Display Both, Credit Card Price and Cash Price
- Once a cash discount has been applied to your store in Store Settings, you will be able to print barcode labels for each of your items that display both the credit card price and the cash price.
- On the Barcode labels page, two new columns will appear: Display Price for Credit Card and Display Price for Cash. From these columns, you will be able to select which items you would like to display both the credit card price and cash price for on the barcode and which you would like to display only the credit card price for (or no price at all).
Note: To be compliant with cash discounting, you must not print labels that only display the cash price. If displaying price, the credit card price must be included.
- If you selected to display both the credit card and cash price, the barcode label will appear as below:

- The credit card (sales price) and cash sales price of each product will also be displayed in the Priciing tab in the product's settings in Back Office.

- Info on all transactions where cash discounts were provided are displayed in the Merchant Fee and Cash Discount Programs Report, Z Report, Order Details Report, and Product Mix Report.
Disclaimer: The above is for information purposes only. eHopper is not liable for any non-compliance with rules and regulations arising out of your use of this program.
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